The benefits of the sauna
A means of restoring muscle tone, blood circulation, normalization of metabolic processes, as well as upbringing the mood is a sauna. But you can visit it only after consulting a doctor.
What is the benefit of the sauna?
In the sauna, the most effective sweating occurs, which removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body. You will improve blood circulation, cleanse the skin, and also return it to elasticity and elasticity if you use a broom. Do not forget about special mittens of rough knitting for self -massage.
After steam procedures, apply any vegetable oil to the skin. Steamed skin absorbs all the substances useful for her very well.
After the steam room, cool in a cool shower or in a mini pool. Such contrast is favorable not only to strengthen muscles and improve the condition of the skin, but also to create a good, cheerful mood.
The benefits of the sauna
To properly care for your body, often consider your reflection in the mirror. Crouped areas of the skin require special attention. Most often the skin becomes rough and rough on the elbow bends. This can be avoided if you rub your elbows more intensively during washing, and after bathing, lubricate them with fat cream.
A product with an excellent exfoliating effect can be prepared at home from 0.5 glasses of sour cream and the same or slightly smaller salt. Mix everything thoroughly and intensively grate the body after a hot shower with this scrub. Pay special attention to ripe places. Sour cream – saline scrub, rinse and lubricate the body with a nutrient milk.
As you can see, you can regain the former elasticity of the muscles, elasticity and velvety of the skin. You will need only the implementation of several simple advice and the control of the attending physician, so that you do not overdo it and do not harm your body with an excessive load. The main thing is patience and zeal, and after such efforts the effect will not slow down to affect a few days after. So, Long live the sauna!