Detail rules

Detail rules

The girl must adhere to certain rules of the date. When you want to scream the whole world, that you are in love, this is excellent. You want to call your beloved and prove your love many times. But if your acquaintance happened by accident in a nightclub, where you could not find out normally your interlocutor and today you go with him on the first date or the second, then you need to adhere to certain rules.

Basic Detail rules:

Rule No. 1: The girl should prefer to speak with a man on a date or by phone, and not arrange a correspondence by SMS or using an e-mail.

Rule No. 2: If your boyfriend could not say normally about something for the first time, then you need to say about it and ignore ambiguous messages.

Rule No. 3: It is worth paying attention to the clothes of a man, as well as what he says.

Rule No. 4: Do not try to remake a man.

Rule No. 5: Think only about your female instinct, as they say, how the heart will tell.


Rule No. 6: If your man forgets to do some things, then you should think about the correctness of the passage of today and order the first good table in the restaurant.

Rule No. 7: When a man gives you flowers and he is not indifferent to you, then always say that they are excellent. He may not guess with color, but attention is the most important thing.  The man can only be advised in this situation – remember, the most accurate and correct gift on this day for women can, of course, be beautiful flowers. High -quality and fast delivery of flowers from a flower store or salon will help you with this. It is real professionals that will make a magnificent bouquet that will simply conquer your companion.

Rule No. 8: No need to give the wrong phone number. It is better not to give it at all. If you like the current fan, but not enough, give him your work phone.

Rule No. 9: No need to take into account stereotypes when a woman should be late on a date or should not wait at all. At the present time, you can come and wait earlier, but the main thing is that the game costs a candle.

Rule No. 10: A woman should believe in love, and if you already go on a date, then try to believe in the best feeling.