How to choose high quality care cosmetics?

The desire for perfection to be beautiful and well -groomed, always remained the main goal of every woman. Today the market is saturated with various cosmetic products, of different quality from different manufacturers. Buying various cosmetic care products, not everyone has the basic rules for choosing high -quality freenesses.

When choosing cosmetics, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition, expiration date, composition, smell, manufacturer’s country.


High quality cosmetics usually exclude preservatives and are equipped with the following natural components

• rosehip extract and grape seed;

• peach oil, scarlet faith, jojoba, almonds, sea buckthorn;

• sorbic acid;

• benzoic acid;

• Vitamin E and other natural additives.

Typically, cosmetics with such ingredients should be stored in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

Typically, the suitability of good cosmetics is 6 months. Cosmetics with a three -year expiration date, conservatives and other harmful substances are in their composition.


High -quality cosmetics should not have strong chemical smells. A weak, non -pronounced aroma is the result of natural cosmetics.

The country of the manufacturer

In the industry production of cosmetics, top positions are occupied by France, Germany, Italy, Italy, USA, Russia. Russian care cosmetics are mainly made on a natural basis.

Today, many manufacturers provide a product probe, which allows consumers to use it before buying and make the right choice.

Modern online stores represent an extensive assortment of both care and decorative cosmetics. High -quality cosmetics are made exclusively from natural components having the rich power of Russian nature. Such products managed to gain popularity in many countries. The online cosmetics store often provides a large range of goods with attractive discounts. A convenient interface will easily choose the product and place an order at affordable prices with operational delivery. Delivery is carried out to any region of Russia, erudite consultants will always help to choose the right product corresponding to the type of customer skin.