How to choose toys?

When choosing toys for a child, it is necessary to take into account that they should be, not only interesting for the baby, but also safe for his health. The range of modern children’s goods stores is large, which guarantees the right purchase. The main factors that are taken into account when choosing a gift are the child’s age and his personal preferences.

Kids up to a year only get acquainted with the outside world. They need toys bright, attractive, making melodic sounds. This makes it possible to teach the baby to distinguish colors, concentrate attention. Rattles allow you to develop fine motor skills of fingers, which is important for the brain. When choosing a toy, it is necessary to consider that they should not have small details that the child can remove and swallow.

Older children are happy to collect pyramids, build towers of cubes, carry toys-rollers. Such models also contribute to development, help the child get additional important skills. The plush beasts who become “friends” of the child are also suitable for such kids, accompany him on walks and during sleep.

Children after three years already have their own preferences in choosing toys. At this age, the girls play with the nipples with pleasure, nurses, bathe them, put them to sleep. Boys enthusiastically engage in cars, build cities from designer details. Children at this age can give sets for creativity, as the kids are happy to draw, sculpt, create jewelry. The modern site of the toy store will help you choose the right option.

For children of any age, you can choose attractive designers, puzzles, electronic toys. They will not only take the free time of the child, but also develop his abilities, creative imagination, allow the baby to become more talented.