Rules for choosing quality stockings

In the warm season, a great alternative to Kapron tights are comfortable and practical stockings. So that they do not roll and serve for a long time, it is important to know how to choose this type of product correctly.

Practical advice on choosing stockings

When planning to buy the perfect couple of stockings, pay attention to the following points:

Brand. The right choice of the manufacturer is of great importance. Well -established and well -known brands are preferable to cheaper unknown unknown. A large number of positive reviews are obtained by OMSA stockings, which are distinguished by a variety of models, sizes and colors.

Third -party smells. If possible, be sure to sniff to the product that you plan to purchase. It is very important that stockings do not have an unpleasant odor. Please note that if you feel the aroma of spirits from stockings, this does not mean that the seller tries to hide unpleasant odors. The fact is that a number of large brands during production uses special fragrances that serve as a kind of protection against fakes.

Seams. Such a seemingly not the most remarkable moment plays a large role, and not only aesthetic, but also practical. Cheap stockings are sewn up by the so -called round seam, which can rub during the sock and is unaesthetically standing out when wearing tight clothing. Give preference to flat seams – they are compared with the surface of the stocking and do not cause discomfort when wearing.

Density. For the hottest days of the year, stockings 15 DEN are recommended (this is the minimum possible density provided by manufacturers). For late spring and early autumn, as well as for cool summer evenings, you can purchase stockings 20-40 den.

Matter of manufacture. When studying the packaging, be sure to see what is part of. Give preference to those models of stockings, where there are more likes. It is she who stretches perfectly and will not let the stockings slide even with active walking.

Size. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding size. On the packaging you can see a sprout and tips on a dimensional grid. Keep in mind that the chosen at least the size of the stocking is not only uncomfortable in sock, but most likely will quickly break, especially in the area of ​​the heel.

If you have full legs, give preference to plain models. Keep in mind that prints provided by the model can very ugly stretch out on massive caviar.