Spring face care rules

In spring, the skin needs more careful care. Even in winter, food is not given so much attention. Throughout the cold period, the body experiences serious tests, which negatively affects the immunity. this leads to health problems and skin cover. To look attractive, you need to know the rules of spring care. To return the skin to the norm of simple cosmetic drugs, it is simply not enough, more effective actions are needed here.

Clean the epidermis.

Before starting any procedure aimed at moisturizing or nutrition, you will have to engage in cleansing the upper layer. In the spring it is not recommended to carry out deep cleaning, because the skin is already subject to stress.

Cleaning drugs.

Usually, such actions are carried out using masks or scrubs that can be made with your own hands or purchased. Explore the best offers on the website Allure-Cosmetics/Catalog/Category/1. For dry and normal skin type, more gentle care is necessary, and sea salt is applied to the face. Massage the area no more than a minute, and after this time, everyone is washed off and the cream intended for power is applied and applied. After thirty -five years, experts advise using funds that contain Jozhoba, avocado oil, as well as other components.

How to use drugs for cleansing.

When working with cosmetic components, it is necessary to adhere to some nuances:

• Refuse gel scrubs, as they contain fruit acid. It dissolves keratinized cells, destroying natural protection with this;

• all events must be carried out before bedtime;

• The finished scrub is removed immediately after application, and made at home – after five minutes.

The condition of the skin is influenced by the general state of health, as well as the volume of toxins. In order for the skin to blossom again and acquires the previous look, you need to clean all the layers, as well as the body. There are several safe options for independent actions.

Drink warm water with lemon juice daily in the morning. This product contains many antioxidants, thanks to which toxins are excreted. Milk, beets and grated apples have the same properties. After cleaning, protection must be restored. So that in the spring the skin looks attractive again, it is necessary not only external moisture, but also a sufficiently number of vitamins. Approaching the solution of the problem comprehensively, you will definitely regain your former beauty and radiance.

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