The concept of stretching is of English origin, and translated means stretching. This sport has already been loved by many, and this is not at all surprising, because it has a number of advantages that positively affects your body. The most important thing is to choose a good coach and fitness room, such as this 5element/Service/Gruppovye-Zanyatiya/Stretching/. Let’s look at all the useful properties of stretching.
1. The occupation of this type of physical activity significantly improve blood circulation in the muscles, and this is noticeable after the first lesson. Interesting fact: this effect is still preserved a few hours after training.
2. Regular classes increase muscle tone, their elasticity. This helps to avoid various sprains and injuries. It is believed that it is stretching that is the best sport for people at old age.
3. Thanks to training, you can significantly increase the amplitude of movement in the joints. This is very useful for joints and human health. Also, this is an undoubted advantage for those who play sports professionally, for example, heavy martial arts, acrobatics, athletics, running, acrobatics, and so on.
4. Thanks to a specifically set of exercises for stretching, you improve not only stretching, but also muscle strength, as well as their endurance.
5. Constant classes contribute to increasing muscles, as well as improving their shape.
6. With the right set of exercises, stretching contributes to the balancing of your body. Regular training will help get rid of a number of problems, for example, such as: back pain, curvature of posture, impaired joints and so on. The coordination of movements is significantly improved. After a couple of classes, you can notice the first results, the pain in the back will become less, and the spine is even more.
7. Stretching enhances the spinal muscles.
8. Stretching helps to lose weight and get rid of excess weight. With regular classes, the metabolism intensifies, I disappear problem areas. Stretching helps to burn calories, no worse than cardio training.
To achieve the maximum effect, stretching can be combined with work in the gym.
9. When engaged in this sport, you get a unique opportunity to learn how to own your body, relieve stress and stress. It is stretching that helps to relax, distract from bad thoughts. A healthy sleep and energy will return to you.