Tips from a designer for decorating a New Year’s table

With the approach of winter, the New Year is approaching – a favorite holiday of not only children, but also adults. To create a festive mood, not only gifts, delicious dishes, Christmas tree, but also a beautifully decorated table are important. It is not necessary to buy expensive and beautiful candles, decorative Christmas trees, put a crystal and other expensive elements on the table, you can decorate the table with your own hands.

The first method is quite complicated, but the result will please you. For decoration, you will need glass that is suitable for the size of the table, a plain tablecloth, four identical cubes, various tapes, toys, tinsel and other beautiful elements. You need to lay a tablecloth on the table, place all the jewelry beautifully, and then install the glass with 4 cubes. Thus, you will get an elegant and festive table.

The second method is simpler, according to its technology, it resembles the first. To decorate you will need a heavy transparent tablecloth and flat jewelry that will not create tubercles. All decorative elements should be put on the table and crush them with a transparent tablecloth.

The third way is even easier. For him, it is enough to purchase a tablecloth with a symbol of the New Year and create a composition of Christmas tree twigs and toys, which to place in the center of the table. You can also supplement the table with colored napkins and candles. Decorating the table, remember that all the elements should be made in the same color scheme so that by the end of the holiday you and your guests do not grind in your eyes.

It is advisable not to use paper elements in the decoration of the New Year’s table, since they can easily light up from the spark of Bengal fire and remember no matter how beautiful the table is, the main thing is what is on it, so in addition to various decorative elements, make sure that you make sure that you also make sure that Your dishes looked festive.