Correct rehabilitation when back damage

It is no secret that damage to the back is a very serious matter. Often after such injuries after injuries and proper treatment, first of all, you need to try to make the complications be excluded and reduced to the maximum. Therefore, even with weak damage, it is not necessary to neglect rehabilitation. Of course, it is best if this program is held in a specialized center, where a qualified doctor has the opportunity to determine and assign the desired recovery course, examine the patient with MRI and rehabilitating will be under constant supervision.

What is included in the rehabilitation program? Usually these are exercise therapy, drug therapy, diet, massage and manual therapy, etc. The psychological, domestic and social adaptation of the victim is important. An important role in the later stages of rehabilitation is played by the correct motor system. The patient should offer to purchase funds that provide support for movement (such as canes or walkers) or more serious auxiliary units (chairs).

Different rehabilitation centers offer different approaches, sets of methods and procedures for rehabilitation. This means that when choosing an institution it is better to familiarize yourself with the program and the capabilities of the center.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery period can last different times – sometimes it takes several months to rehabilitation, and sometimes several years.

Regardless of the level of injury and the duration of recovery, at different stages in the task of any rehabilitation program in case of back damage – the development and maintenance of force in the muscles that have retained control, the maximum possible strengthening of the functions of these muscles, compensation for lost functions with reflex structures.

Movement during rehabilitation:

No wonder they say that the movement is life. After all, movement is one of the main manifestations and signs of human life. Function without failures, even after injuries, the human body can only with proper movement. If after the injury a person does not have the opportunity to move on his own, then it is necessary to provide him with auxiliary rehabilitation agents, which you can find for example on the website of the Ukrmedshop online store on the link: /that are divided into two categories: small and main. Small includes funds that allow the patient to have support when moving. To the main – the structure in which the patient moves directly.

Small funds (for support when moving):




Fixed assets:

Coal chairs

Cell chairs