Hair care rules

Hair care rules

Almost any woman dreams of healthy and beautiful hair. But not every representative of the fair sex has gone with a magnificent hair, which does not require special and thorough care. Let’s look at the basic rules for hair care.

Almost all women dream of well -groomed and luxurious hair. But most often due to the fact that hair care is carried out incorrectly or they are subjected to frequent dyeing, the desired result cannot be achieved. Do not give up – you can correct the situation and still get your dream hair.

How to comb your hair correctly?

Correct hair combing is perhaps the most important rule of hair care. It is combing most of anything else that affects the condition of the hair.

You can not make sharp and torn movements when combing your hair, since such actions harm the structure of the hair.

If the length of the strands is to the shoulders and lower, then combing should start with the tips and gradually rise up.

Important: compliance with combing hygiene. They must be washed with shampoo every ten days.

How to do styling correctly?

Hair care

Hair care rule number 2 is hair protection when laying. Almost every woman uses a hairdryer and ironing. And this is quite justified, because these devices greatly facilitate the styling, even when you make a fashionable hairstyle of bow today. In order to protect hair, you need to use special products that protect the hair, for this there are special protecting sprays.

If you follow at least these hair care rules, then your hair will be healthy and shiny, because it is easier to take care of your hair initially than then treat. Be beautiful!