Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome

Scientists have found that 75% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) . Signs of PMS: sharp mood swings, insomnia, increased fatigue, irritability, headache, etc. This syndrome causes a temporary imbalance of hormones in the female body (too much estrogen or too little progesterone).

Treatment of the premenstrual there:

Some experts use hormones treatment, but a woman is able to cope with the premenstrual syndrome on her own. So what will help a woman to eliminate the PMS problem itself, and not just her symptoms?

Firstly, active sports (aerobics, running, dancing), contributing to the development of endorphin, the deficiency of which in the body of a woman in the premenstrual period is the culprit of her bad mood.


Secondly, the problems with PMS will help solve a diet. Eat more vegetables. Studies show that the appearance of a premenstrual syndrome may be associated with a lack of nutrients in the body. The main vitamins necessary for a woman in this difficult period are E, B6, C. Vitamin E is contained in spinach, vegetable oil, avocado, nuts, etc. Vitamin B6 is in fish, liver, bread from coarse flour. Vitamin C in large quantities is contained in black currants, parsley, red -hot cabbage.

In addition to vitamins, a woman also needs magnesium (contained in oatmeal, dried fruits, etc. D. ) and chrome (contained in eggs, calf liver, potatoes, etc.). If you constantly want to eat, it is better to eat food often and in small portions, this will help maintain a constant level of blood sugar, thereby preventing sharp mood swings.

Thus, compliance with simple food principles, as well as regular physical activity can become your assistants in the fight against premenstrual syndrome.