Buying an apartment where to start?

The main thing is that you should not forget about, planning to buy an apartment – the risk of losing the accumulated funds. In order to profitably and safely purchase the treasured square meters, there was a thing of the idea to contact the real estate agency, whose employees will accompany the transaction at all stages.

Why is it worth contacting the agency?

Having decided to buy an apartment yourself, you are guaranteed to face a mass of pitfalls and nuances that you do not understand. Turning to the private realtor, there is a chance that he is not competent in all issues related to paperwork, verification/evaluation of housing, etc.D.

The real estate agency that has proven itself in the market, for example, is ETAGIMSK/VTORICHNOE/G-MOSKOVSKAYA-BLAST/has on the staff of all the necessary employees who specialize in the conclusion of transactions and preparing a full package of documentation.

What help can be obtained from the real estate agency

When buying an apartment, contacting the real estate agency, you are guaranteed to receive the following services and advantages:

Search for options, according to the requirements you stated (the number of square meters, the desired area, the number of rooms, type and age of construction, etc.D.);

Bidding – bringing the price if the seller offers a larger amount than the one you counted on;

Verification of the legal purity of the apartment – you can be sure that you purchase housing from the owner and by law (without hidden prescribed residents or fraudulent schemes);

legal advice and assistance in concluding a contract of sale (according to the current

Legislation at the time of the transaction);

assistance in obtaining permits for construction work on redevelopment (if necessary after

purchases to transfer the non -carrying wall or build a new one);

Work with clients planning the acquisition of real estate when paying in any way, including using mortgage offers and partial investment of maternity capital.

Buying an apartment is a responsible business. In order to minimize possible risks, protect yourself from fraud and make the desired deal as quickly as possible, it makes sense to start with the search for a good real estate agency. The rest of the employees of the organization chosen to you will do it themselves.

Start comparing and choosing a suitable agency right now.