In the spring, as usual, we stand at the mirror and with horror look how much we recovered over the winter. There is a desire to lose weight quickly and of course in a short time. And we begin to use all means for rapid weight loss. We can start taking medications that can help in the fight against excess weight, acupuncture is also a good method to lose weight correctly. And of course we begin to try various diets for losing weight. For example, a good habit of making yourself a few days unloading. After such days, your body wakes up to feel much better and of course much easier. But just do not confuse diets for losing weight and fasting days. If you are trying to lose weight in this way, you can have to lose weight, but you will also gain weight and even more than usual for a while. Because this is not a way to lose weight correctly. For example, bodybuilders use hungering and various body cleansing that the body would gain as much weight as possible after starvation. This one says a lot. For example, after a loss of 3-5 kilograms, you can quickly gain 5-7 kilograms. From this it follows that during fasting days and fasting and of course various cleaning, this is the best and fast way to gain excess weight!!! For those who did not know. The very first one we dwell on is how to lose weight, put several restrictions on the food that you use, for example, after seven in the evening. If you think about it means there is less than the body spends.
Admission to the body food, t.e energy for the body, all this wakes up to be compensated due to extra pounds in your body. Our body is a very large system and of course very cunning and thoughtful. If we begin to eat less food than usual, the more economically the body disposes of the fact that there is. And your body begins to slow down the rate of metabolic processes and of course the metabolism slows down. If your energy balance is approximately 2500 calories, now the energy balance will be approximately 1,500 calories. And all this due to metabolism. And after when you have a diet and you returned to the usual lifestyle T.E to 2500 calories, for some time, energy engineers will be equal to 1,500 calories, only hunger will be able to save and the process of reserve of fat on the “black” day t.e, if you suddenly decide to sit on the diet again a little again. And what follows from this ? All existing diets are harmful today. During the diet, your body loses extra pounds, as soon as you return to the usual rhythm and to ordinary life without diets, you easily gain lost kilograms and even get a little in addition. This is all in a generalized sense, diets are needed and important for your body. The question is only how to build your diet during a diet, so that after get the desired result and of course, it is correct to preserve all that you achieved t.E preserve your weight normal.
Bodybuilders use such a process as the growth of muscle mass and of course they eat food with excess and this excess leads to the accumulation of fat in their body. It follows that such a problem as “spring drying” is familiar to them. Bodybuilders learned to solve this problem. In a sense, women who want to lose weight need to become a little bodybuilders, this is only by the way. You need to learn how to build your body yourself and use the bodybuilders method a little. Two questions have been outlined before us: 1- What is the meaning of “correct weight loss” and 2- what is the meaning of “incorrect weight loss”. The main difference between the right and not correct is that with proper weight loss, your body loses excess weight and kilograms that are not necessary for you and of course retains the normal weight after the diet.e muscle mass and metabolism level. This can be called in one word – stability and guarantee in constant normal weight. This is all about women during a diet. It is worth not forgetting that not only our figure should be ideal, but also hair, hence the question of how to choose hair dye, I can answer with confidence that the best dye is henna, it is suitable for any hair type. The main tasks are weight loss in which you reduce the overall calorie content of your nutrition and plus to this, it is necessary to maintain muscle and of course metabolism can’t do without small physical exercises. Exercise will allow you to always be in shape and maintain your beauty for many years.