How to choose a set of underwear as a gift to a friend

Women by nature, for the most part, the shmotniks. And if a girlfriend has a birthday on his nose or another excellent occasion for a gift, it will be very useful to treat her with a new set of underwear. Moreover, good linen is expensive and your girlfriend can save on herself.

How not to get into a mess with a choice and buy what you like?

If you often go to a girlfriend to visit, try to unobtrusively look at the size of her linen, because with the definition of the “eye” you can miss, as a girlfriend can wear linen with a ducklings or a fur-up.


If a girlfriend is composed disproportionately, that is, the breasts are small, and the hips are magnificent, and vice versa, it is better to refuse to buy linen in the form of a kit, and take up the selection of bugs and panties. Many collections suggest a couple: panties and busts are sold separately, but they can be arranged inside the ruler. This is also a great solution for choosing a style of panties, since a friend may not love impractical thongs and give preference to convenient slips. Such models can provide underwear


Another important point – whether your beloved girlfriend is married or is free like a wind. At first glance, not interconnected things, but this is only at first glance. If there is a second half, it is better to opt for a calm and practical laundry of pastel colors.

But if she is a temptress, then you can safely buy erotic and sexy linen of bold colors: red, blue, black. She will definitely find someone to seduce in your gift.

Again, you can’t accept everything literally because a friend complained about a kind of lull in an intimate life with her husband, and if your relationship is so close, then you can push a girlfriend to bold steps, giving her an outfit for an erotic game.


If there are doubts what to dwell on in the choice of underwear, you can focus on your girlfriend’s lifestyle. If she is a fan of sports, you can buy convenient seamless linen, and if an office employee, then an excellent gift will be an elegant set for a classic suit.