How to choose a toastmaster for a wedding Council tips

The tamada is the very link, in contrast to the wedding from the collective booze, unless, of course, approach the choice of the host competently. Tamada is responsible for organizing a feast and a great mood of the guests – an artist who will not let you get bored and get drunk newlyweds and friends.

It depends on the work of the host how fervent and original will the wedding be. Even the most modern presenters with an impressive portfolio can ruin the wedding.

So, how to choose a toastmade for a wedding.

– Expensive, does not mean good.

Often the most modern and famous leading to work are negligent, believing that it will go. The best option is a beginner with a creative approach to business, which only develops a rating and will be fully laid out.

– Meetings with potential applicants for the role of the host.

Tamada needs to find out not only the cost of work, but also planned contests, musical accompaniment. It is better to watch a video with the work of the host – it will be seen how creatively and responsibly it is to the work of the tamada.

– Pledge.

You should not rely on the recommendations of even the closest people and immediately leave a deposit, without looking at the examples of the work of the leader.

– The manner of behavior of the leader.

It is necessary to always take into account the temperament and manner of behavior of the host. Do not choose an inexperienced and quiet presenter if all guests are noisy and active. Also, you should not invite a noisy woman with a well -set voice in a quiet company, the guests may not understand her and get tired at the festival.

The responsible presenter will re -make a meeting two weeks before the wedding to discuss the details. The TAMADA will ask about guests, write out all the names, will clarify who and how close, where will come from, their attitude to new acquaintances and feasts will ask, ask who is better not to use in competitions. Be sure to provide the "fish" of the wedding scenario.