The benefits of LPG procedures

Modern cosmetology offers a lot of wonderful procedures that allow maintaining the body in perfect condition, fighting the existing defects, and return beauty and youth. One of these effective techniques is LPG massage. He is able to work real miracles, which many clients of beauty salons are convinced of.

History of LPG massage has more than 4 decades. During this time, the invention of Louis Field Gita managed to prove its incredible efficiency in the fight against excess kilograms. Those who wish to lose weight do not have to sit on exhausting diets or shed sweat liters in the gym. It is enough to go through the full course of these procedures to return to your figure attractive harmony, avoiding folds, intimidation of the skin.

LPG procedures are carried out as follows. A special suit made of rubber is put on the patient. Massector using a device with rollers processes problem areas. The device creates a skin fold and smoothes it. This effect accelerates the process of blood circulation and lymph. The intensive intake of nutrients and oxygen in cells, in turn, stimulates the metabolism. Fat deposits are burned, stagnation of blood disappear, cells are freed from toxins, collagen production is activated.

All these processes allow not only to get rid of excess weight. The skin becomes more elastic, elastic. Acceleration of metabolism and the removal of stagnation prevents the appearance of cellulite. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, including the nervous system. After LPG massage, the general condition improves, the mood rises, vigor appears. He has no side effects, the procedure is painless, makes it possible to relax, relax.