How to choose a cane bag?

Fashionable brands release a wide range of ladies’ handbags: any size and any color, any style and from any materials. However, the bag itself plays its functional role in the stylish image of the ladies. How not to get confused by a woman among such an abundance of models and choose exactly the same cherished handbag? And the online leather bags store will help us to understand this.

First of all, it is necessary to determine where the new handbag will “go” with us, because, depending on the situation, completely different models will be appropriate:

– If a handbag is needed as an application to along with that you will attend theaters, concerts, evenings, then in this case it is worth choosing on classic clutches where you can add only the most necessary (handkerchief, lipstick and phone).

– When a bag is needed and trips to work, then the bag of "office" style is appropriate. They are quite spacious, can accommodate A4 format, dining room snacks, and a book on the road, and much more. Selected by color either to a leather belt or to shoes.

– If a handbag is needed exclusively for transporting documents in it, then you should choose special bags for documents. Thanks to their rigid frame, a wide belt for carrying on the shoulder, as well as to many interior departments, it will be very convenient to transport business documents.

So, when we decided on the purpose of the handbag, we chose the model, it is worth determining its quality. Unfortunately, some manufacturers under the guise of genuine leather sell its substitute. In order not to fall for deception, it is worth determining first of all whether a handbag or leatherette is sewn from real skin:

– genuine leather, unlike an artificial substitute, has a specific smell;

– If you, imperceptibly from sellers, drip water on a handbag made of genuine leather, then a drop will absorb, and not roll on the surface of the material;

– Since genuine leather is the natural material of animal origin, when touching it will be warm. Leatherette when touched cool to the touch.

We were lucky, the material really turned out to be natural. Now we look at the quality of sewing:

– A good bag will have a lining of dense and durable fabric, which will increase the service life of the purchased product;

– The responsible manufacturer for the sake of improving the quality of the bag will make double lines so that nothing breaks;

– It is unforgettable to check fasteners, lightning, rivets – everything should hold tight, do not hang out, everything should be fastened without an effort.

Thus, all criteria for choosing a high -quality leather bag were presented. Let the purchase bring you joy and make his owner irresistible!